Visit the NYPL Performing Arts Library Theatre on Film and Tape Archive: It is a marvelous collection of "Broadway, Off-Broadway, regional theatre & related interviews, etc.
Magic Moments
As actors, it is vital that we stay in the moment when performing.
Recently I went to see Monday Night Magic at the Players Theatre in NYC starring Ben Nemzer, Torkova, Jon Stetson, with David Corsaro. This ensemble of AMAZING performers were a joy to watch because that is precisely what they did for the entire show—they were able to stay in the moment & there was an excitement – what was going to happen next?
It reminds me of the following quote by Robert Cohen:
"Nothing so distinguishes great acting -- in any style, in any historical period -- than the feeling that the actor has the potential to 'go off' at any moment, and to unleash an explosion -- a flood of lava, that will be totally uncontrolled and uncontrollable. Great Acting always dances with danger!" - Robert Cohen
So, if you are looking for some inspiration—go to your local magic show, and if you are in NYC, go to Monday Night Magic. Go with the family – I went with my family and we were on the edge of our seat.
What inspires you/reminds you to stay in the moment?